04 October 2008

Shopping during a monsoon

So today Jen, Cindi and I braved the weather to finalize things for our trip to California next week. We set out and discovered the entire Salt Lake Area was in the middle of a monsoon. Huge drops of water pelted pedestrians as they walked or ran for shelter. Some things that I learned during this outing:

*don't even attempt a hairstyle in the morning it'll be flat in two minutes.
*wearing a hoodie is not wise as the water will soak through to make you soggy.
*go for higher ground - parking in lower parts of any parking lot can be tragic as lakes tend to form and they will engulf your car.
*avoid I-215 at all costs - the state of Utah needs to invest in drainage for their freeways.
*stay away from malls as the masses swarm until the weather clears up and/or the shops close.

While I am sure there are other suggestions for surviving a shopping spree in the middle of a rainstorm, I only listed those which I encountered. Next time I'm just going to curl up on the couch and watch a movie or nap. But for today, I survived it and blogged about it and now... I'm going to go and dry off.


Tooele Brezoff said...

I love the rain but not shopping in it, I have how ever noticed that WalMart smells like "wet dog" when it is raining!

BrittneyandDoug said...

Ugh I totally agree with the walmart comment, it also looks dirtier (if that is possible). I was also out and about shopping this day and I have to say Ikea's parking lot has never been fuller. I swear I think I walked a 1/2 mile in the down pour to get to the front door!