09 May 2009

Was that a Trekkie over there?

J.J. Abrams has successfully reinvented the wheel. This particular wheel was the series known as Star Trek. This cancelled TV show has crept into the hearts of trekkies and closeted trekkies alike. But recently the cult franchise became stale. The original series was great (even though it was bumped off the air) and The Next Generation (or TNG) reignited the whole thing for a... wait for it... next generation. But then the Roddenberry producers started to put people in Deep Space Nine, the Voyager and just plain ole Enterprise and while Scott Bakula was great in Quantum Leap, he is no Capt. Kirk or Capt. Picard. 

So last year when I heard that a new film was to be released I will admit that I freaked out. Then I saw the who was involved. Abrams picked a stellar cast of great actors and up-and-coming stars. Chris Pine-Evans-Pine-Evans-Pine was sexy as he fearlessly slammed on the accelerator while driving through Iowa, Star Fleet and then into a war with a Romulan from the future. His chemistry with Spock (Zachary Quinto), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Dr. McCoy (Karl Urban) and Scottie (Simon Pegg) was fabulous. The twists and turns along with the incredible use of those classic lines solidified Abrams in the "everything he touches turns to gold" category. 

But alas there was one thing that did make my enjoyment even greater. It was the cameo of one Tyler Perry who was part of the Star Fleet Council that both chastised and praise Kirk. And while discussing this, Dani made the best comment ever...

If Madea was in Star Fleet she could go up and whoop some Romulan Ass. 

I encourage Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike to see this movie. It was filled with quips, action, a good plot and more importantly - eye candy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are going tonight!