09 June 2008

Strange Utah Specimens


As I was sitting at a busy intersection I did a double take when I saw two individuals (or subjects) riding in a golf cart. Now I’m not going to divulge my whereabouts on the internet (I’m not stupid) but lets just say that it was an area far away from any golf course and/or retirement community. Sitting in my tiny car I wondered if the rising gas prices caused these particular subjects to turn in the keys to their car and start driving a golf cart. Fortunately for the drivers in regular gas guzzling vehicles, the golf cart was traveling down the sidewalk. Unfortunately for pedestrians, it was going fast enough to mow down small children and little old ladies.


Starving after sitting through a long class, I raced back to work. Before I returned I ran one errand, loaded my car up with gas at the excruciatingly painful price of $4.15 per gallon, and drove to CafĂ© Rio for some much needed food. I had been craving the salads from this evil Mexican Grill and finally found the line inside at a reasonable length. As I stood in line for my order I bumped into the nice woman in front of me. I soon found out that this woman was an eccentric, blond who speaks Spanish and has an affinity for public singing. This encounter began my second case study. She began by talking to the employees in Spanish, then one of the employees grabbed a younger male employee and made him stand up front. The woman start to sing - no belt out - a song in Spanish and all I could think of was “Dear God, Please don’t let these people think that I’m with her!” While I was mortified and REALLY hungry, I finally placed my order and halfway down the line the woman started to sing again. At this point I was glad I ate the Oatmeal cookie thingy Jen-Knee gave me while I was in class or I would have been so hungry I probably could’ve strangled her. Instead I stared on as the employees egged her on for more songs. I was just wishing I could get my grilled chicken salad with creamy tomatillo dressing and leave. Finally, I finished my order and the register was in sight. I almost made it to the register when the woman started to sing another song. Apparently the employees were making requests. Three songs later I was finally able to pay for my food and rush out before anymore craziness ensued.


Jen-Knee said...

Well you do attract the crazies, how else would you explain that we are friends?

BrittneyandDoug said...

Hahahaha....this was really humerous to read! Plus it made me really crave one of Cafe Rio's salads!

Tarika said...

oh dear...you do run into the strangest things don't you...