04 November 2008

Best-est Halloween Ever!

Halloween is my favorite holiday with the candy, the dressing up, and... the candy!

This year Dani, Jen, Thor and I went to work as a team of Super Hero Assassins called the Electric Rangers... I voted for Power Rangers but was vetoed. This idea was spawned over a year ago when Dani and I were obsessed with the show "Heroes" and she and I were going to go as a Super Villain and her Side Kick. When we talked Jen into joining our crew we miraculously found these amazing Airwalk shoes with lightening bolts and stuff on them. It gave us our colors (Blue, Pink and Yellow) and then we just added on until Static Cling (me, Pink), Electra Shock (Dani, Blue) and High Voltage (Jen, Yellow) emerged. A little while before All Hallow's Eve we decided that our Charlie's Angels-like trio needed a fearless leader so we found General Electric (AKA Thor). 

Halloween was fun. We dressed up in our costumes and then proceeded to not really get anything done at work, eat candy, drive around looking for glass etching stuff for Jen, get free Chick-fil-a sandwiches from a soon-to-be store near my house, and - finally - end up at our friend Cara's for a fun Halloween party where we ate Halloween-themed finger foods. 


Thor'sblog said...

You guys rock, it was fun just to be included in the trio of super assassins!

The Oldroyd's said...

Looks awesome. You guys are very creative. I do miss working for all the fun activities.

Jen-Knee said...

Stacie forgot to mention that we won the Costume Contest for Best Overall... we rock!

Tooele Brezoff said...

I like it! you guys are too funny!